
عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر 29, 2024

Killing us softly by Jean killbourne

I think that humans ar e driven by a deep desire to appear the best to those around us , and we will do whatever it takes to achieve this . Because t he m edia is focusing on this human need, their advertisements wer e successful .    Jean Killbourne in her documentary “killing us softly” succeeded in casting a shadow on various advertising platforms and content to achieve this goal . Thre e things caught my attention in her documentary: b eauty, s ex and wealth.    I agree with Killbourne ’s definition of beauty which is defined as having w hite skin, a slim build, a small waist and large breasts. In order to obtain the most perfect flawless image, either plastic surgery or computer techniques w ere used to achieve this, making it not real or authentic.    I believe that a significant shift has occurred since the completion of this documentary, particularly with the i nvasion of social media , which makes it missing a crucial aspect and ...

Two-colored story

C olor one      I was raised in a Muslim family; both my mother and my older sister wore headscarves (hijab ) . In my household, wearing hijab was something that was expected and sometimes forced . I was 12 years old when I start ed wearing a headscarf . There is no other choice for me but obedience. We “females” should obey the males; dads , older brothers, then husbands and even older sons in the future . I looked at my older brother with jealousy as he was free to wear whatever he wants , not only that but he had more freedom and fewer rules . Is he better than me? Am I less than him? Why is God putting these restrictions on u s females? Why is this terrible punishment, fire and being pulled from the uncovered hair in the hell after death ? Oh !! I prefer to obey rather than all this trouble! Rebellion is deadly!    After I finished my associate degree, it was time for me to marry , as marriage in my parent’s perspective is the best thing fo...